Maple Sausage Glazed Donuts

Maple Sausage Glazed Donuts

Maple Sausage Donuts

So, what do you do when you are snowed in???? Bake of course! 

When its freezing, snowing and blowing, comfort foods are the best! We had the biggest snowfall of the year last Sunday……about 15 inches of heavy white stuff. Now, at this point in winter, I could care less about snow. If we didn’t have it for Christmas, Mother Nature can keep it!

That didn’t happen……so, I baked. When it’s cold and snowy, there is something about the oven on and house smelling of yummy baked things. It’s cozy and comforting. Continue reading “Maple Sausage Glazed Donuts”

Savory Stuffed French Toast Taco

Savory Stuffed French Toast Taco

A friend of Tim and I owns a restaurant, Mom’s Diner. It’s open for breakfast and lunch, and a dream come true for our friend. A few weeks ago we went for breakfast. Tim loves skillets,you know the breakfast with everything. I on the other hand, go for the sweet stuff…….and my fav is french toast. Once we perused  the menu, I decided on Mom’s french toast. Thick cut french toast covered in crushed corn flakes……it was awesome.

I kept thinking about it and I wanted to try it at home. Then, as often happen with me, my mind starts whirling with possibilities………what if I used a different cereal?…….what if i stuffed it?…… would something savory taste?……..maybe still a touch of sweet.

So, off to my source of constant inspiration …….the grocery store. Once again I have to say. I love to grocery shop!!!!! I could stay there for hours!  Continue reading “Savory Stuffed French Toast Taco”