Graduation, Father’s Day, Cookouts, and Potlucks. What do all of those things need? Condiments, Party Condiment Bar is a great way to set up all your condiments to look as good as the decor of your party.
We have all been to that party where all the decorations are so pretty or elegant and then there are the condiments. In bottles that don’t complement the decor, and somehow everything is a little off.
This is not a recipe per se, but more of a food styling tip that can go a long way in keeping your party pretty.
I am a huge Amazon shopper and sometimes things just pop up after a search. I was looking for cupcake holders and these really adorable paper cup holders shown up on the search. Sometimes ideas truly are like a lightbulb and they shine bright.
What if I put condiments for a party or cookout in them? It would look good and then when the party was over… dishes to wash, you could just throw them away. I even found disposable bamboo spoons, also throw them away.
Hearing the groans of “Oh my God how wasteful to through it away” I don’t know about you, but after a party, I don’t want to do any more dishes than necessary.
Plus after all the time the condiments will be in the containers ( if your party is a success that could be a long time) I don’t want to put those back in my frig…..just saying.
Originally I purchased mini tin buckets and thought my paper cups would fit. They did not, but the cups were paper so I could write on them? Uh no! My handwriting is ok, but not for something like this. Avery Labels to the rescue.
I had some labels from a different project and they worked perfectly! You can go online to the Avery site search for the label you have and design them right there! Then just print them off. Easy right? No fancy writing skills needed, and they all match!!
Since my labels were for an actual recipe I was working on I chose a theme that was compatible. Perfection!!! So go wild and search for the perfect small containers, using the words mini container or cups will get you on your way. Print up some awesome labels and you are party pretty!
For those upcoming events that require condiments…..let your condiment complement the decor as well as the food.