Thanksgiving Turkey Roll

Thanksgiving……..Turkey and all the trimmings…….. all in one beautiful crispy-skinned, juicy, herby, roll. Thanksgiving Turkey Roll.

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Seriously, this has all the trimmings nestled inside a beautiful juicy turkey breast. Stuffing, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce……….Its a slice of Thanksgiving.

Continue reading “Thanksgiving Turkey Roll”

Chicken Gnocchi Soup

Happiness is hot soup on a cold and rainy day…….Chicken Gnocchi Soup!


This soup will warm you to your very center. Creamy, with chunks of chicken, veggies, and gnocchi.

What is gnocchi you ask? Gnocchi are Italian dumplings made with potatoes and flour and boiled just until they’re like fluffy little pillows. You can make your own or purchase them at the grocery store. I purchased mine. They can be in the dry pasta isle or in the frozen section. I bought from the pasta isle.

Chicken Gnocchi Soup


I tried a dish with gnocchi a few month ago with dismal results. I think I must have over cooked them as they had a pasty, gummy taste. But I was not going to give up……… Continue reading “Chicken Gnocchi Soup”

Pressure Cooker Chicken Marsala

Ok, I’m at it again with the pressure cooker………Pressure Cooker Chicken Marsala.

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I will continue to sing the praises of the pressure cooker until every home in America has one….from sea to shining sea!!

Sorry…… too many political messages lately…..I have lost my mind! Continue reading “Pressure Cooker Chicken Marsala”