Campfire Cupcakes

Calling all campers ………Campfire Cupcakes!!

Campfire Cupcakes

I am not a fan of camping. In fact, my idea of camping is a Ramada Inn with no TV. Don’t get me wrong, I love the outdoors…..I just don’t want to sleep or pee there!! I prefer my own  bed and indoor plumbing….. Continue reading “Campfire Cupcakes”

Hot Chocolate Bundt Cake

This is a real quick post for a fabulous winter cake………… Hot Chocolate Bundt Cake!

Hot Chocolate Bundt Cake 1

It was #cake monday…….only on a Tuesday cause of MLK Day. I was fresh out of ideas for my cake contribution, until I came across recipes on Pinterest for Hot Chocolate Bundt Cake. Continue reading “Hot Chocolate Bundt Cake”