Cast Iron Skillet Naan

Although I have never been to an Indian restaurant, I do know about Naan bread. Cast Iron Skillet Naan is my nod to Naan.

Cast Iron Naan Bread

Naan has a light flavor and soft texture that makes this a popular choice as a vessel for scooping up the remains of our chosen dish. Not being familiar with Indian food I understand it is served with many an Indian meal.

Originating from India, the naan, a word that just means ‘bread’ in Persian. This flatbread is baked in a clay oven which gives it a crisp surface, a fluffy, and a unique charred taste. Continue reading “Cast Iron Skillet Naan”

Tikka Masala Naan Pizza

Tikka Masala Naan Pizza

Tikka Masala Pizza

So, when I make dishes that are not familiar to me, I Google them so I know of what I speak …….

I found Tikka Masala to be an interesting story, why you ask??? It was created by accident……sorta how I cook!

The story goes that a Bangladeshi chef served a dish of traditional Chicken Tikka only to be asked by a British diner, “Where’s the gravy?” The miffed chef tossed in can of creamy tomato soup and spices and responded, “You want gravy? I’ll give you gravy!” The results were spectacular and the Indian/British Chicken Tikka Masala dish was born. Continue reading “Tikka Masala Naan Pizza”