Buffalo Chicken Burger with Celery Blue Cheese Topping

It’s been awhile since we’ve made burgers. I love any burger made from ground chicken, and it needs to be spicy for Tim. Buffalo Chicken Burger with Celery Blue Cheese Topping.

Buffalo Chicken Burger with Celery Blue Cheese Topping

Buffalo wings are always a favorite with their spicy hot sauce, a cool blue cheese dressing, and crunchy celery sticks on the side. Continue reading “Buffalo Chicken Burger with Celery Blue Cheese Topping”

Mojo Grilled Chicken Club Sandwich

What in the world is mojo sauce? The best marinade for a Mojo Grilled Chicken Club Sandwich!

Mojo Grilled Chicken Club Sandwich

First, just let me say that this marinade was delicious, super easy to make, and it can do double duty. You can use it as a marinade like I did. Or it can be a condiment to dip or drizzle….I will try that next time.

Mojo Grilled Chicken Club Sandwich

I get a lot of recipe ideas and trends sent to me from my job as a Food Service Director. One trend that caught my eye was Cuban food, specifically Mojo Sauce. So, as I had never hear of Mojo sauce before I set out to find out what the hubbub was about. Pinterest to the rescue. Continue reading “Mojo Grilled Chicken Club Sandwich”

Spicy Sriracha Crusted Fish Sandwich

For those of certain faiths the lenten season is here, and that means fish. Spicy Sriracha Crusted Fish Sandwich.

Spicy Sriracha Crusted Fish Sandwich

I am not Catholic so, I was wondering why fish on Friday for lent? According to mental_floss, Legend has it that, centuries ago, a medieval pope with connections to Europe’s fishing business banned red meat on Fridays to give the industry a boost. That story isn’t true. Sunday school teachers have a more theological answer: Jesus fasted for 40 days and died on a Friday. Catholics honor both occasions by making a small sacrifice: avoiding animal flesh one day out of the week.

So, to those who, for religious reasons, eat fish on Friday…….Spicy Sriracha Crusted Fish Sandwich to spice up a traditional fish sandwich. Continue reading “Spicy Sriracha Crusted Fish Sandwich”