What in the world is mojo sauce? The best marinade for a Mojo Grilled Chicken Club Sandwich!
First, just let me say that this marinade was delicious, super easy to make, and it can do double duty. You can use it as a marinade like I did. Or it can be a condiment to dip or drizzle….I will try that next time.
I get a lot of recipe ideas and trends sent to me from my job as a Food Service Director. One trend that caught my eye was Cuban food, specifically Mojo Sauce. So, as I had never hear of Mojo sauce before I set out to find out what the hubbub was about. Pinterest to the rescue.Continue reading “Mojo Grilled Chicken Club Sandwich”
It’s ‘Date Night Dinner’ time again. I wanted to make something nice, but easy. I think I have achieved my goal. Chicken! Chicken is what you fix for dinner when you don’t know what to fix for dinner. Everybody likes chicken!
Making something special doesn’t always have to take a lot of time. This dish was easy to prepare and easy to cook. You can make it ahead of time and pop it in the oven whenever you and your date are ready for dinner. Just add something green………..it’s the beginning of asparagus season, so what a perfect match for my Chicken Cordon Boyd.
The really nice thing about writing your own recipes, and having a food blog, is you can name stuff after yourself using a little rhyme, or play on words. Chicken Cordon Bleu is now Chicken Cordon Boyd. A very different recipe than what is in my Betty Crocker Cookbook, from the mid 70’s, but every bit as good.
So for your next Date Night try our Chicken Cordon Boyd.
Rosemary Lemon Chicken with Arugula Cannellini Bean Salad
I am finding out that in the blogging world, things can and do go awry…….I guess I should have know that it would not always be smooth sailing. I use a photo editing program that is currently experiencing difficulty. So this post will not have my usual formatting. As soon as my editing program is back to normal I will replace the photos to the type I usually have.
So, that being said ………..this weeks Date Night Dinner is of a lighter fare. We are still trying to eat “better”. I am once again using beans, but this time in a salad. In one of my previous jobs we had a lemon rosemary chicken marinade that we used for our chicken and I always thought it made the chicken juicy and flavorful. So since I could not for the life of me remember the recipe, I made up my own. It turned out very good. I used some of the same flavors for the salad and viola`……..a match made in heaven.
Maybe I am thinking of spring and summer and this will be a perfect dinner to eat alfresco. In better weather ……..the day I made this was one of the many days that it snowed this past month……..you could easily grill the chicken for your alfresco dining pleasure!
Whisk together the 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar, the rosemary, garlic, juice from 1/2 the lemon, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1/4 teaspoon salt and pepper in a dish large enough to hold the chicken breast. Add the chicken turning to coat with marinade. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Heat 1 tablespoon of olive soil in a skillet over medium heat. Remove the chicken from the marinade ( throw away remaining marinade). Cook 6 to 8 minutes per side ( depending on thickness of chicken) until cooked through (internal temperature of 165*)
For the Salad:
In a large bowl whisk the dijon mustard, juice form 1/2 lemon, 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar, and 2 tablespoons for reaming olive oil, and salt and pepper to taste. Add beans, arugula, and red onion, toss to combine.
To Serve:
Divide the salad between to dinner plates and serve with chicken breast.