One Pot Unstuffed Cabbage Rolls

One Pot Unstuffed Cabbage Rolls
One Pot Unstuffed Cabbage Rolls

We all have that one person in our family who makes a dish that everyone craves. A dish that no-one can make quite like they can. My Aunt Sis made cabbage rolls like nobodies business. Good down-home cooking. Plain and seriously delicious!

Trying to recreate someone else’s recipe can sometimes be futile……or you can make you own version and be the one who has that crave-able dish. My mission is clear.

In a recent post…..the one right before the Coconut Cake….which I donated to a local restaurant for their Sunday Easter Brunch……..I knew better than to have it in the house, I mentioned that I am giving Weight Watcher a try. I have lost a little over six pounds. Gaining one back after having a pizza night, but all and all, it’s going well.

One Pot Unstuffed Cabbage Rolls

Which brings me to the cabbage rolls, or should I say the One Pot Unstuffed Cabbage Rolls. Traditionally cabbage rolls are ground beef, rice, tomato, spices, all rolled into blanched cabbage leaves.

Blanching a cabbage is work!  One of my Uncles used to say …..”It all ends up in the same spot” you know how kids are about food touching, so why do all that hard work when you can just mix it up?

One Pot Unstuffed Cabbage Rolls

Weight Watchers point system has taught me a lot about making the right choices.  Cabbage rolls generally have rice…major points in my world. Cauliflower is a perfect substitute for rice….and by the way for potatoes too.

Tim does the dishes, he calls himself the “Dishman”. Jealous, I know, but still, no need to dirty every pan in the house. One pot will do for this recipe.

One Pot Unstuffed Cabbage Rolls

Simple ingredients, lots of veggies, and you have a great one pot, low point dish. Brown the burger and onion, add the cabbage and cauliflower a.k.a. rice. Throw in a can of tomatoes, some spaghetti sauce…….I think the spaghetti sauce adds a better flavor than the traditional tomato sauce…some Italian seasoning, simmer for 20-30 minutes and ta da…….One Pot Unstuffed Cabbage Rolls.

One Pot Unstuffed Cabbage Rolls

Whether you are trying to eat healthier or just wan t a great cabbage roll without the work …….if you close your eyes you will think its a traditional cabbage roll try our One Pot Unstuffed Cabbage Rolls …it’s sure to please.
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One Pot Unstuffed Cabbage Rolls

One Pot Unstuffed Cabbage Rolls

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  • Author: Marty Boyd
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 30 minutes
  • Total Time: 40 minutes
  • Yield: 8 servings 1x



1 pound lean grass fed ground beef

1 teaspoons avocado oil

1 large onion, chopped

2 cloves garlic, minced

2 cups riced cauliflower

1/2 small cabbage, chopped

128 ounce can crushed tomatoes

1/2 cup jarred spaghetti sauce

1/2 cup chicken or beef stock

1 teaspoon Italian seasoning

Salt and Pepper to taste


In a large pot, heat oil over medium heat adding the ground beef and onion cooking and stirring until ground beef is no longer pink.

Stir in the garlic, riced cauliflower, and cabbage, continue cooking for 3-4 minutes.

Add the tomatoes, spaghetti sauce, stock, Italian seasoning, salt and pepper. 

Bring to a boil. 

Cover and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes.


4  Weight Watcher’s Smart Points

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