Carrot Cake Thumbprint Cookies

Hippty Hoppity Easters on its way!! Carrot Cake Thumbprint Cookies are the perfect sweet treat.

Carrot Cake Thumbprint Cookies

In my last post, I made a Lemon Meringue Pie into a thumbprint cookie. Today I made a Carrot Cake into a thumbprint cookie.

Carrot Cake Thumbprint Cookies are a Martha Stewart recipe that I saw a few years ago and Pinned for later……its later.

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Turtle Pecan Graham Cracker Crack

It’s late….you need treats for work tomorrow… time??? Turtle Pecan Graham Cracker Crack.

Turtle Pecan Graham Cracker Crack

This is seriously easy, and you probably have all the ingredients on hand. Well, maybe not the chocolate graham crackers, and you can use regular, but make a quick dash to the store if you need too! The chocolate graham crackers make this recipe! Continue reading “Turtle Pecan Graham Cracker Crack”

Caramel Pecan Streusel Coffee Cake

Who remembers the coffee cake mix that came with its own pan? I remember begging my Mother to buy it for weekend breakfast. There was something fascinating about pan inside the box to me. Well, Caramel Pecan Streusel Coffee Cake ain’t that cake…….it’s a million times better!

Caramel Pecan Streusel Coffee Cake

Having a serious sweet tooth that rears it’s ugly head, ocassionally…….ok, well, daily, but sometimes it’s more intense than others. Recently it’s been awful! Maybe it’s the cold weather, and wanting to have the warmth of the oven, or maybe…..I just have a sweet tooth and want to eat everything sweet. Continue reading “Caramel Pecan Streusel Coffee Cake”