Cast Iron Spaghetti Meatball Pizza
Even more than the age old question…..What the “Forks” for Dinner? is What the “Fork ” to do with leftovers??????
We always seem to have leftovers that after about a week, need to take a trip to the trash. This is where I really have to watch my husband…….Tim has no sense of smell, so he can’t tell when something’s time has passed. I really hate to throw things out, but we are only two people, and you can only eat a recipe so many times before…….ugh! Even if it was the best thing you ever ate.
I can never make the correct amount of spaghetti……..I always make wayyyyyyyyy too much. So, in an effort to use the leftovers, I racked my brain……what, what, what can I do with with this glob of leftover spaghetti. I know……but really with all the starch…..then it gets cold……’s a big glob. I remembered the Italian Spaghetti Meatball Burger we made back in September…….the one that uses the spaghetti as the bun. Why not use the spaghetti as the crust for a pizza?????
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