Asiago Spaghetti Pie

Well,we finally got some snow, and the cold to go with it!!! So I of course want something, warm and comforting……cheesy with pasta……… Asiago Spaghetti Pie!

Asiago Spaghetti Pie

Asiago Spaghetti Pie fits the bill! Tim loves Asiago cheese, I love pasta, and we both love chicken…….perfect. Perfectly simple!! Plus, you get to turn on the oven which makes the house all toasty and warm. Continue reading “Asiago Spaghetti Pie”

Grilled Spaghetti and Cheese Sandwich

Grilled Spaghetti and Cheese Sandwich

Grilled Spaghetti and Cheese Sandwich








This sandwich is a hot mess…….a tasty, melty, ooey, gooey, hot mess! A Grilled Sapghetti and Cheese Sandwich hot mess!! 

What in the world do you do with left over spaghetti?????

For Tim and I, a whole pot of spaghetti ….well, it could last a life time! Not anymore, we will be eating this sandwich instead!

This is more of a method, as opposed to a recipe. I didn’t measure the amounts, as it is one of those you decide how much recipes.

Heres what I did:  Continue reading “Grilled Spaghetti and Cheese Sandwich”

Cast Iron Spaghetti Meatball Pizza

Cast Iron Spaghetti Meatball Pizza

Cast Iron Spaghetti Meatball Pizza

Even more than the age old question…..What the “Forks” for Dinner? is What the “Fork ” to do with leftovers??????

We always seem to have leftovers that after about a week, need to take a trip to the trash. This is where I really have to watch my husband…….Tim has no sense of smell, so he can’t tell when something’s time has passed. I really hate to throw things out, but we are only two people, and you can only eat a recipe so many times before…….ugh! Even if it was the best thing you ever ate.

I can never make the correct amount of spaghetti……..I always make wayyyyyyyyy too much.  So, in an effort to use the leftovers, I racked my brain……what, what, what can I do with with this glob of leftover spaghetti. I know……but really with all the starch…..then it gets cold……’s a big glob. I remembered the Italian Spaghetti Meatball Burger we made back in September…….the one that uses the spaghetti as the bun. Why not use the spaghetti as the crust for a pizza?????

Continue reading “Cast Iron Spaghetti Meatball Pizza”