Orange Chicken Orzo Salad

Once again Mother Nature was at it here in the mid-west! It snowed on Saturday!!!!!! And I mean enough for the weather service to issue a Winter Storm Warning!!! I will not be dissuaded from making Spring salads. Orange Chicken Orzo Salad was born on a snowy April day!

Orange Chicken Orzo Salad

All of this cruddy weather has made it hard to get in the Springtime mode. Anything too complicated is just too complicated!! This salad is crazy easy.

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Roasted Broccoli Barley Salad

Still cold (when will it end?) but wishing for salad season Roasted Broccoli Barley Salad covers your need for comfort and your yen for a salad.

Roasted Broccoli Barley Salad

Barley is one of those grains that does not get its just rewards. With its chewy texture and nutty flavor, barley is a delicious whole grain. Nutritious and healthy, with lots of fiber and many trace minerals like selenium, manganese, and phosphorus. We use it in our Hamburger Soup. Continue reading “Roasted Broccoli Barley Salad”

Spiral Butternut Squash Spinach Salad

Winter still hasn’t loosened her grip on us, but I’m ready for this long, long winter to be over. Since it’s not quite salad weather yet, I did a meet in the middle type of salad. Spiral Butternut Squash Spinach Salad still has the comfort of winter food, but also, the hope of Spring.

Spiral Butternut Squash Spinach Salad

In my last post, I used a spiralized beet for Panko Crusted Cod with Spiral Beets  I’m still spiralizing this time with butternut squash. Continue reading “Spiral Butternut Squash Spinach Salad”