Beet Bake

Beet Bake 6

Lets talk about beets baby, lets talk about all the good thing that can be, lets talk about beets

Beet Bake……….
Beets are a highly nutritious, low calorie and “cardiovascular health” friendly root vegetable. Certain unique pigment antioxidants in the root, as well as in its top-greens, have been found to offer protection against coronary artery disease and stroke, lower cholesterol levels within the body, and have anti-aging effects.

Plus they are “forking” excellent.

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Cake Monday

Cake Monday

As another school year comes to an end, so does #cakemonday. Yesterday was our last one of the year.

Summer break is upon us …….time to break out the flip flops…….Flip Flop Cake!

I wanted to make a special cake for our last #cakemonday. Once again my friend Pinterest came to the rescue. Well ,Pinterest and Betty Crocker! Click here for the Betty Crocker recipe and video on how to make these cute flip flops.

I used my Best Ever White Cake recipe. The Betty Crocker version uses a cake mix, but any cake will do.


I was able to find a template for the flip flops searching on Pinterest……..there were a ton of them different sizes, so pick whatever one suits you.

The decorations were pretty basic and Tim had the awesome idea to use licorice for the straps…..great idea honey!!!! The “sand” was a combo of brown sugar and turbinado. I bought some sunny….non edible flowers and sea shells.

Flip Flops on the beach……they were a huge success for our last #cakemonday of this year………

Salted Caramel Shortbread Cookies

Salted Caramel Shortbread Cookies

Salted Caramel Shortbread Cookies

Every once in a while you make something that is sooo good……Salted Caramel Shortbread Cookies are it!!!
When I was a kid, my Grandma always had several goodies at her house…….. M&M’s, Ding Dong’s (in the frig) and shortbread cookies. I have always loved shortbread cookies, and my Grandma had the kind that came in the blue tin. Once it was empty she used it for sewing stuff……buttons, thread and the like. I helped her empty many a tin…… Continue reading “Salted Caramel Shortbread Cookies”