Vegetable Sandwich with Dill Sauce

Ahhh………the sweet smell of Spring. Today was the first day that makes me think we may have turned a corner, and that warmer weather is on the way. Of course, that would be on the last day of my Spring Break……..back to school tomorrow. It never fails that our Spring Break weather leaves much to be desired. But, I take solice in the fact that the school year is almost over, and Summer Break is close at hand.
So in a tribute to Spring………a Vegetable Sandwich with Dill Sauce. Dill always makes me think of Spring……..I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s just fresh, grassy, and green.

When I worked at the grocery store, the deli made a veggie sandwich that was really good, just several types of cheese, and a selection of fresh veggies. So this sandwich is a small tribute to that sandwich.
I think all sandwiches need some kind of sauce, wether is is just mayo, or something a little bit more adventurous ……….ya need some sauce!
Dill sauce is the just the right complement for this veggie sandwich. Made with greek yogurt, horseradish mustard, and a healthy dose of dill, it makes this the perfect topper for the veggies. Continue reading “Vegetable Sandwich with Dill Sauce”