Cinnamon Roll Pancakes with Brown Sugar Bacon

Cinnamon Roll Pancakes with Brown Sugar Bacon

Cinnamon Roll Pancake

Sunday breakfast…..isn’t it the best breakfast of the week??? You have all the time in the world to relax and enjoy something special. I know a lot of folks like to go out for breakfast, and don’t get me wrong I am one of them………..have I mentioned what a crazy winter it has been here in the mid-west? If not here is winter in a nut shell……..snow, snow. snow……….freezing, freezing, freezing……..did I leave anything out? Given the weather, I have become even more of a home body than I usually am. Seriously, I could stay in the house from Thanksgiving until at least St Patricks Day…….maybe longer depending on the whole groundhog shadow thing. I really, really, hate cold weather. The only thing I hate worse is driving in the snow……… I truly thing I am not cut out for winter! Continue reading “Cinnamon Roll Pancakes with Brown Sugar Bacon”

Beef Bourguignon for Two

Bourguignon Plate

I LOVE BEEF…….there I said it loud and proud. Nothing tastes better that a beautiful piece of beef tenderloin, filet mignon…….I’m drooling just typing the words. Not to mention that Beef Bourguignon for Two is so French sounding. One thing you must know about me is I have a complete fascination with the Eiffel Tower. I have pictures of it, figurines of it, I even have a large tattoo of it. My dream come true would be to see the Eiffel Tower in person with my wonderful husband. So making this dish conjures up a sense of a romantic French Bistro where the view is the Eiffel Tower….candle light……wine…….if I still drank …..I am proud to say I am 4 years sober…….sounds of music in the background….sigh…………OK snap back to reality.

Continue reading “Beef Bourguignon for Two”

Smoked Bacon Breakfast Crescents

Smoked Bacon Breakfast Crescent

I know that being New Years Day everyone has resolutions…….blah, blah, blah……but sometimes you just need some convenient, no calorie count required foods. You have to love the crescent roll……..I don’t mean croissants but don’t get me starred on how much I adore those……..I mean the canned, everybody has them for holidays, pop and fresh kind. What could be more versatile. Continue reading “Smoked Bacon Breakfast Crescents”